Chalk signage on the ground
Inspired by protest signs and a desire to create positivity, I asked the question “If you could be sent one message today, what would it say?”
I chose a selection of typefaces. 3 are particularly handwritten, but each is a very different style. I wanted the weight and size of each word, or set of words, to be different; like examples I found in my research.
Each phrase is three words, so this helped me to balance my design. I decided to follow a 2-1-2-1 pattern. This places emphasis on the end of the phrase and acts as a punctuation mark.
Chalk is a wonderful message delivery medium. It can be applied in most places and does not create permanent damage or graffiti. It is adaptable, affordable and has an attractive aesthetic.
Through design, I want to leave the world a better place than it was when I joined it.
Printed Outcome
Manifesto Project

Manifesto Project

Our project was to create a piece of work that reflected our own personal values and design philosophy.
